The Jalebi Race and Other Stories

"The Jalebi Race and Other Stories" brings together the stories that rekindle the childhood innocence and curiosity we tend to lose as we age. Through storytelling, the author has bottled the essence of youth, allowing readers to relish the sweetness of those fleeting golden moments and experiences in childhood.

About Me

Greetings! I'm a tech enthusiast, author, mom, and a passionate storyteller residing in the beautiful province of Ontario, Canada. I love the vibrant seasons of summer and fall in Canada. There's nothing quite like the joy of crafting stories in my backyard while savoring a cup of ginger tea. Nature, with its ever-changing beauty, never fails to ignite my creativity—from the blooming flowers in summer to the kaleidoscope of colored maple leaves in fall, and the serene snow-capped houses in winter. Originally hailing from North India, where summers are intense and winters are more temperate, my upbringing in such diverse climates has profoundly influenced my storytelling.


The Jalebi Race
and Other Stories

This collection brings together the stories that rekindle the childhood innocence and curiosity we tend to lose as we age. Through storytelling, the author has bottled the essence of youth, allowing readers to relish the sweetness of those fleeting golden moments and experiences in childhood.

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The Mango Tree
and Other Stories

The Mango Tree and Other Stories is an original collection of children's stories that emphasizes life lessons and morals. Each tale discusses an important aspect of childhood and how a child might come to understand it.

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Love and Learn

Love and Learn is a collection of short, poignant children’s stories and animal fables. Each tale portrays a child’s confusion when encountering a challenge, and illustrates their understanding and growth. The lessons learned are an important part of growing up, and make an entertaining read. Out of Print Download PDF Download epub


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